Saturday, May 28, 2005

Annfield Mannor Mansion (1893)

Little Bras D'Or, Cape Breton Posted by Hello

Nova Scotia Trip - Guysborough to Bras D'or

May 28th, 2005 (Saturday)
Breakfast at 8:30AM again. We were going to CAPE BRETON today. We took the LITTLE BRAS D'OR DRIVE (Route 4). The drive was nice and quiet. It was not rainning as much and we actually could enjoy the scenery as it is.
We stayed in a fantastic place called 'ANNFIELD MANNOR' a 1893 elegant historical mansion, built by a local Coal Baron. A country estate with gorgeous English Gardens. (317 Church Road, Little Bras D'Or).

Friday, May 27, 2005

Nova Scotia Trip - Dartmouth to Guysborough

May 27th, 2005 (Friday)
We had breakfast at 8:30Am and we were ready and full of energy to start our trip despite the bad weather (rainny, windy and cold).
We took the MARINE DRIVE (Route 7) through a land of pristine coastal beauty, strong shoreline, but quiet roads leading through romantic and simple seaside villages. We had lunch at a small place in Sherbrook and finally arrived at 'FOXBERRY BY THE SEA' b&b in Whitehead near Canso. Near a very cute and scenic fishing village.
We had a small cottage overlooking the sea. A very picturesque area. The night was so quiet and romantic...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Nova Scotia Trip - Halifax to Dartmouth

May 26th, 2005 (Thursday)
Our trip started after arriving in Halifax from flight WS 568/WS 746 from Calgary. It was rainny, windy and cold. After the car rental arrangement was finalized at Hertz (we rent a brand new 2005 Ford Escape), we took Route 102 - Route 118 and connection with Route 107 to the Eastern Shore leading to Dourthmouth.
We stayed at 'STERNS MANSION' a gorgeous and charming restored century home (17 Tulip Street, Dartmouth). They had beautiful antique furniture, hardwood floors and brass chandeliers. It was close to the harbour ferry to Halifax. So we too the quiet ferry to Halifax and had dinner at 'STAYNERS WARF' pub just off the harbour. Just the beginning of a adventurous trip!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Bull on a Rock (Banff) Posted by Hello

Face on a Rock (Banff) Posted by Hello

Sunset View Near Gost Lake Posted by Hello

A Vida

Poema do Dia: A Vida

vida é uma oportunidade, aproveite-a.
A vida é beleza, admire-a.
A vida é beatificação, saboreie-a.

A vida é sonho, torna-o realidade.
A vida é um desafio, enfrenta-o.
A vida é um dever, cumpra-o.

A vida é um jogo, joga-o.
A vida é preciosa, cuide-a.
A vida é riqueza, conserve-a.

A vida é amor, goze-a.
A vida é um mistério, desvela-o.
A vida é promessa, cumpra-a.

A vida é tristeza, supere-a.
A vida é um hino, canta-o.
A vida é um combate, aceita-o.

A vida é tragédia, domine-a.
A vida é aventura, afronte-a.
A vida é felicidade, mereça-a.

A vida é a vida, defende-a.

Autora: Madre Teresa de Calcutá, religiosa albanesa e indiana. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu nasceu em 27 de agosto de 1910, Skopje, hoje capital da Macedônia, tipo humano Virgem, signo Terra, regência Mercúrio, pedra Jaspe e flor Papoula. Faleceu em 5 de setembro de 1997, Calcutá, Índia com 87 anos e 8 dias de idade. É chamada de a Santa dos Desamparados.