This is the our future Baby first Funiture. Kerry Daddy is putting together the crib. We still have to finish the room, but it is a slow proccess. It is an exciting time!
- Having a Blast Reading Books (Wired for Books)"I'm a wizard, I'm a warlock, I'm a wonder of the age.I'm a sorcerer, magician, prestidigitator, mage.I can change into a chicken, or perhaps a purple pig.I can wave my wand and, presto, I'm a waffle with a wig.With the power in my pinky I can burst like a balloonor transform into a tiger with the head of a baboon.If I wiggle on my earlobeor I knock upon my knee I become a dancing doughnutor a turtle in a tree.Just a simple incantationand I deftly disappear, which I never should have done because I've been this way all year.And despite my mighty magic,I'm impossible to see, for I never learned the spells I need to turn back into me."* This is going to be full of books. It is going to be Baby's first Library.