Saturday, September 11, 2010

Vulnerable Children Society - FAYA Orphanage Support

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Here I would like to introduce you the new FAYA Orphanage website and supporter: Vulnerable Children Society. Vulnerable Children Society is a non-profit organization created by a committed team of Canadians volunteers and long-time Faya Orphanage supporters.
Their partner organization in Ethiopia manages an orphanage for HIV children. They are also helping to expand a community program which provides care to children and families affected by AIDS/HIV in Ethiopia. Our family are life-time sponsors and we would like to spread the word to our family/friends and blog friends out there!
It takes so little from us to make a child happy... There are many ways you can help. Money is the easy way to help because it can go directly to Ethiopia. When shopping locally you can indirectly help the country and small family business, so it is also good for their economy. But there are other ways you can help. If you can donate items (see the website for the most update list of items in need), there are people going to Ethiopia every year, and they can deliver these items as well.
This organization is not religion affiliated. Hope you can give these people a hand and your heart.