Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Creating Dinosaurs

We've been sick with a horrible cold these weekend. With no much to do outside, we got creative at home and started to use some of our cardboard to create dinosaurs to use in L's birthday party. Recycle the cardboard into party poster boards was so fun Well, the birthday party theme is going to be dinosaurs. So we decided to paint some of them in the used cardboard. L got involved in the process painting and deciding the colours. It is becoming a memorable party already, in the planning process. Check out our progress: 

Brachiosaurus. The largest known dinosaur, cropping or nipping vegetation as high as possibly 9 metres (30 ft) off of the ground. We used two tons of green tempera paint, some brown, white and red. Leandro did a great job painting the legs, neck and tummy!

Here is our fierce meat-eater Ceratosaurus getting form. Did you know he had over 70 saw-edged fangs? His name means 'horned-lizard'. Leandro had to applied a lot of paint on this huge dinosaur. We used light green and blue-green tempera paint. Jurassic Period.

He may be a variation of a Panoplasaurus. Panoplosaurus means 'completely armoured lizard', with spikes on its sides, but with an unprotected belly. We used golden-yellow tempera, blue-green for his back armor and white horns.

And last but not least, our reference book. Great illustrations and tons of information. Fun for kids and for big kids too!