Saturday, December 31, 2005

BCAAB - Reveillon 2006 - 01

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December 31st, 2005 - "REVEILLON 2006 - BRAZILIAN STYLE" Featuring Show with Brazilian singer Celia & Trevor from Vancouver Band "ZAZUEIRA" playing with local musicians Sherban Comanescu and Malcolm Lim - 3 sets of music starting at 10p.m. Opening Show by Camila Louzada at 8:30p.m.

BCCAB - Reveillon 2006 - 03

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Great Food Great People: BBQ Chef Ede Rodrigues & Suterra Chef Vitor.
See Ede's Web-Site:

BCAAB - Reveillon 2006 - 02

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December 31st, 2005 - Célia EnestromBrazilian Singer from Band ZAZUEIRA de VancouverShow at 10 p.m. 3 sets of music. Célia Enestrom, a Brazilian singer in the strongest traditions, has a beautiful, versatile, rhythmic voice that can move between being sleek and sensual, strong and robust with a intriguing jazz snappiness that smacks of Nina Simone or Sarah Vaughn.

BCAAB - Reveillon 2006 - 04

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I think everybody had a great time!

BCAAB - Reveillon 2006 - 05

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BCAAB - Reveillon 2006 - 06

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BCAAB - Reveillon 2006 - 07

Eu e a Letícia. Foto tirada na Festa de Reveillon da Associaçao. Posted by Picasa

BCAAB - Reveillon 2006 Poster by Danilo Sena

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Reveillon 2006 - Saturday, December 31st
Doors at 7:00 p.m. for Dinner and All Night Celebration
Dinner at 7:30 p.m Doors at 9:30 pm for Show Only (Celia's band) and Midnight Celebration

Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Ligths in Edmonton 01

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Christmas Ligths in Edmonton 02

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It is a beautiful display of lights. Many people decorate their houses with those lights, but it is the first time I saw such extravagant display. Not many people would be able to afford such display.

Christmas Lights in Edmonton 03

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The display is organized by a the owner of Home Hardware store in Edmonton. Mr. Jerry Dolynchuk. This is his way of giving back to the community. Many people stop by to take a close look and take many pictures to show family and friends.

Christmas Lights in Edmonton 04

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There are approximately 80,k000 lights in display. The total cost for the lights is about $25,000.000 and it is aticipated the power bill will be around $2,000.00.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

My Counter Box

Ronaldinho Gaúcho é o melhor jogador do mundo

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Artigo do Jornal O GLOBO: ZURIQUE, Suíça - A Fifa confirmou o que muitos já esperavam: Ronaldinho Gaúcho é o melhor jogador de 2005. O craque brasileiro venceu nesta segunda-feira, pelo segunda vez consecutiva, a eleição de Melhor do Ano organizada pela entidade, superando com ampla vantagem o inglês Frank Lampard, do Chelsea, segundo colocado, e o camaronês Samuel Eto'o, companheiro de Ronaldinho no Barcelona, terceiro.
Ronaldinho Gaúcho somou 956 pontos, contra 306 de Lampard e 190 de Eto'o. Dos votos de 156 técnicos e 145 capitães das seleções filiadas à Fifa, Ronaldinho recebeu 159 votos como melhor do mundo, 46 votos para o segundo lugar e 23 votos para o terceiro lugar. Adriano, da Internazionale, ficou em quinto lugar, com 170 pontos, enquanto Kaká, do Milan, foi o oitavo com 101 pontos.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Thoughtworks (TWC) Christmas Party

December 16th 2005 - Tonight, after work, Kerry and I will be going to the Annual Thoughtowrks Christmas Party. It will be nice to see Kerry's co-workers and their wives again.

Where: Rotary House, Stampede Park, 1410 Olympic Way SE, (map attached)
When: Friday, December 16, 2005
Time: 6:00 pm - Cocktails
7:00 pm - Dinner
8:30 pm - Words from Our Fearless Leaders
9:00 pm - Table and Speaker DancingAttire: C'mon, it's a party! Get swanky!! No jeans ... guys - suit up (or slacks and dress shirt & tie) for the night; ladies - I don't even have to say a word here.

It was sooooo cold outside (-14C) and we parked as close as possible to the location. The place is nice anc cozy. Very coutry style, it was a wooden cabin with wood ceiling and flooring. We sat with Jason and his wife, Mike and Michelle and Kawai and his girlfriend. The dinner was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S.

My Ticker

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


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CRTC approves TV Globo in Canada - Participe

Importante: CRTC approves TV Globo in Canadá - Participe

Depois de tomarmos conhecimento que finalmente a CRTC aprovou a transmissão da TV Globo Internacional aqui no Canadá, estamos agora checando as nossas possibilidades de ter a opção de assinar este canal em Alberta. Parece que no momento precisamos entender melhor a situação junto as pessoas que podem estar interessadas nesta assinatura. Assim, preparamos uma pesquisa sobre este assunto e agradecemos se você puder respondê-la e também encaminha-la a pessoas ou grupos que você ache que possam estar interessados em assinar este canal.
O URL do site com a pesquisa em português é o seguinte:
No caso de qualquer dúvida, por favor entrar em contato pelo email:

Further to learning that finally CRTC has approved the transmission of TV Globo Internacional in Canada, we are know dealing with the next steps in order to have the option to subscribe to this channel in Alberta. However, it seems that we need to do some checking among potential interested people to help with the upcoming decisions. Therefore, we have prepared a survey on this subject and would appreciate if you could take the time to complete the survey as well as forward it to any person / group you think might be interested in subscribing to this channel.
The URL for the site in English is the following:
In case of any questions please email to:

Monday, December 05, 2005

Baby Shower - Photo by Elvira

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December 05th, 2005 - Baby Shower organized by Elvira Vargas.

Baby Shower - Photo By Elvira

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To all my dear girlfriends,
I'd like to say, I'm here to thank you for the all the wonderful gifts.

And thank you from my in-laws, too for all the colorful gifts.
My baby closet was empty, my belongings were few but that's all changed now, all thanks to you!

Baby Shower - Photo by Elvira

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My dear girlfriends,
Your gifts and friendship are so gracious, soon we will hope to share with you a new face.
Hope the new baby bring as much pleasure, as your kindness that we treasure.

Thank you...

Baby Shower - Photo by Elvira

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To all my dear Aunties:
I'm really glad that you all could come.

And help my Mommy relax, enjoy yourselves and chat with one another.
Sorry I couldn't be with you to join in Mommy's shower.
But I'm very busy you see. I'm growing more each hour.
Though I'm not there to thank you for the lovely gifts you've brought, my family is grateful.
We appreciate the thought. I'll be arriving shortly and I'm as happy as can be.
So, after I've been home awhile.
Please come and visit me.

Baby Shower

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Monday, November 28, 2005

28 Week Pregnancy (Semana 28 de Gravidez)

Semana No.28 de Gravidez
Idade do feto: Semana 26
Tamanho do bebê: O bebê está com peso de aproximadamente 1100g e sua medida, da cabeça ao bumbum é de 25cm. Sua medida total é de 35cm.
Desenvolvimento do embrião: Alguns especialistas acreditam que com 28 semanas de gestação os bebês comecem a sonhar. Sonhar com o quê? Ninguém faz a menor idéia. Mas o cérebro está bem ativo à essa idade. As ondas cerebrais podem ser notadas em testes específicos e os tecidos cerebrais estão bem desenvolvidos. Por volta desta semana também poderá ser possível sentir soluços do bebê. Pode parecer estranho no começo ou você nem venha a pensar em soluço quando sentí-los, você poderá achar que são os chutinhos que vinha sentindo até então mas logo você perceberá a diferença. Não há com o que se preocupar, os soluços são normais e duram pouco tempo.Os cabelos da cabeça do bebê também estão crescendo mais e mais. Sobrancelhas e cílios estão presentes. Você deve ter notado também que o bebê está ganhando bastante peso, especialmente se você compará-lo com 11 semanas atrás quando ele pesava apenas 100g e agora já está com mais de 1kg. Somente nas últimas 4 semanas, o seu peso dobrou.
Mudanças em seu corpo: Agora que o bebê está cada vez mais perto de sua caixa toráxica, você poderá começar a sentir que sua respiração está um tanto mais curta. Essa é uma sensação que começa agora e vai se estender até ao final da gravidez. E o pior é que ela não estará sozinha. Você poderá começar a sentir também dores nas pernas, devido ao aparecimento ou ao agravamento de
varizes. E a sua barriga, cada vez maior, poderá dificultar para uma série de pequenas atividades do dia-a-dia como, levantar-se, deitar-se, abaixar-se, dirigir, e por aí vai...O útero encontra-se agora à 8cm acima do umbigo e, você deve ter ganhado até agora por volta de 8 à 10 kg.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Despedida de Solteira da Deise no Conga Room (1)

Foto da Despedida de Solteira da Deise no Conga Room
Na foto: Letícia, Elísia, Kerry, eu e a Deise.
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Despedida de Solteira da Deise no Conga Room (2)

Despedida de solteira da Deise, November 26th, 2005 (Saturday) at 9pm at The Conga Room (
(It is a “latino” bar with tradicional food and drinks. )
Location: 109 8th Avenue S.W.Tel: (403) 262-7248

Hoje foi a despedida de solteira da Deise no Conga Room. Foram as meninas do BCAAB. E a barriguda (eu) fui com todo o pique para dar um abraço na Deise antes de ela ir para o Brasil.
Parabéns Deise e Brennan~!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Kerry and the Baby Furniture

This is the our future Baby first Funiture. Kerry Daddy is putting together the crib. We still have to finish the room, but it is a slow proccess. It is an exciting time!Posted by Picasa

Baby Furniture Arrived

- Having a Blast Reading Books (Wired for Books)
"I'm a wizard, I'm a warlock, I'm a wonder of the age.
I'm a sorcerer, magician, prestidigitator, mage.
I can change into a chicken, or perhaps a purple pig.
I can wave my wand and, presto, I'm a waffle with a wig.
With the power in my pinky I can burst like a balloonor transform into a tiger with the head of a baboon.
If I wiggle on my earlobeor I knock upon my knee I become a dancing doughnutor a turtle in a tree.
Just a simple incantationand I deftly disappear, which I never should have done because I've been this way all year.
And despite my mighty magic,
I'm impossible to see, for I never learned the spells I need to turn back into me."
* This is going to be full of books. It is going to be Baby's first Library. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My niece Alice. Posted by Picasa
Here I would like to introduce you my adorable niece number two: Alice.
She is a 'fofura' a 'lindinha'. I did not meet her yet... (sad)
But she lives deep inside my heart. I would love to see her soon.