Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My niece Alice. Posted by Picasa
Here I would like to introduce you my adorable niece number two: Alice.
She is a 'fofura' a 'lindinha'. I did not meet her yet... (sad)
But she lives deep inside my heart. I would love to see her soon.

My niece CatarinaPosted by Picasa
I don't think I ever introduced you my first niece Catarina.

Here she is. She is a cutie and her smile is adorable, isn't?
I wish I could have the opportunity to see my nieces more often...
But they are so far away from me...

24 Week Pregnancy (Semana 24 de Gravidez)

Hello my dear friends and family,
My stomach has very definitely grown, and I'm feeling the baby move at least once or twice every day. It is fun! Sometimes they are kicks, others are like butterflies and sometimes feels like tickles from inside.
I'm quite liking the being pregnant thing at the moment. I don't know why, I just feel quite calm and positive about it. In my quest to avoid all the scary 'this could go wrong' propaganda which is everywhere, in every pregnancy book and web site, I am beginning to worry, a little, that I'm not actually going to be prepared for this baby!
So that's basically where we're at right now. Having a good time emotionally bar a few concerns in the back of my mind, keen to get the next doctor appointment out of the way, and coping well with all the medical attention which is mostly reassuring rather than irritating.

24ª semana
O bebê é uma miniatura dele mesmo. Tem tudo definido, com cabelos, unhas, sobrancelhas, cílios, orelhas bem formadas e no lugar, olhos bem colocados a frente do rosto , só que ainda não bem abertos. Como está cada vez mais gordo, seus movimentos já não são tão amplos. As suas brincadeiras continuam no seu mundo restrito. Podemos vê-lo brincando com o cordão. Com os pés, com as mãos e chupando o dedo. Tudo que você sentir que possa levar a estresse ele sentirá ( um susto, por exemplo) e se a mamãe está feliz ou triste, parece que é também percebido pelo bebê.
Seu peso é de aproximadamente 540g. e seu comprimento de 31,5cm.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween 2005

October 31st, 2005 - Halloween 2005 Posted by Picasa
This is a picture of one of my carved pumpkins from two years ago. With the pregnancy and everything else I did not find the time to carve a pumpkin this year... So to keep in the halloween spirit I decided to post one of my old pics. Today is also my brother's B-Day. Wish you a wonderful day, full of beautiful suprises, lots of presents and sweet memories. Happy Halloween to you all.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Brazil Fest 2005 - Calgary

BRAZIL FEST 2005 Posted by Picasa
19 de Novembro de 2005 - Gostariamos de convidar todos a participar do nosso primeiro BRAZILFEST em Calgary!Uma oportunidade para nos encontrarmos, saborear uma comida bem brasileira e apreciar nossa musica com shows ao vivo da banda SOLAR RIO, e tambem com musicos locais.Venha para o almoco com uma feijoada completa seguida de musica ao vivo, mais shows a noite com churrasco tipico brasileiro, ou prestigie os dois eventos! Veja em anexo o nosso "press release" com mais informacoes sobre o evento, incluindo o programa e tambem precos dos bilhetes, ou visite o nosso website: www.bcaab.orgVoce tambem pode ligar para 403-614-7003 ou enviar um email para info@bcaab.org para mais informacoes e/ou reservar bilhetes!Poderemos lhe passar um poster do evento caso voce possa nos ajudar com a promocao deste evento, entre em contato conosco. Tambem agradecemos sua colaboracao se puder enviar esta mensagem a seus amigos e outras pessoas que possam apreciar nosso festival!

We would like to invite you, family and friends to participate in our first BRAZILFEST in Calgary!An opportunity to meet more Brazilians and Canadians friends of Brazil, enjoy Brazilian food and appreciate Brazilian music with Band SOLAR RIO and local musicians.Come for the "Feijoada" lunch followed by a music show, the evening shows and typical Brazilian BBQ, or come for both events!Please see attached for our press release document with more information, including program and ticket prices, which are also posted to our website: www.bcaab.orgYou can also call 403-614-7003 or send an email to info@bcaab.org for more information and/or to reserve your tickets!We could provide a poster to you in case you can help us out with the promotion of the event, just let us know. We also appreciate if you could circulate this message to your friends and other people you think could enjoy our festival!